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rudragavara(UID: 789310)

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  • 个人主页https://www.fieldengineer.com/blogs/site-survey-important/
  • 兴趣爱好Performing a site survey can help an organization save valuable time, money and resources. As a result of the intelligence gathered through a site survey, project managers can make better informed decisions; reducing the likelihood that costly errors are made in the execution phase of your project.

    When should a site survey be performed?
    New Construction or Upgrades to Physical Structures
    Before blueprints are finalized for a structure, engineers need to know that the location is suitable for building. An engineer performing a site survey would seek to answer questions like:

    What is the slope of the terrain?
    Is there road access?
    What is underneath the area where the foundation will be laid? Can it support the planned foundation?
    Are there trees or other landscaping objects that need to be removed or accounted for prior to construction?
    Are there any aerial obstructions? (i.e. Power Lines, Branches, Neighboring Structures)
    By answering these questions, hopefully the team drafting the blueprints can coordinate with the construction team to reduce the number of expensive and time-consuming revisions need to complete a project.

    Wireless Site Survey
    In the example above, the engineer completing the site survey was primarily concerned with the physical layout of the project area. By contrast, a wireless site survey is concerned with the suitability of a structure for a new or upgraded wireless network.

    Many companies have a wireless site survey conducted prior to moving into a new location. If a network overhaul at an existing location is required, a wireless site survey could help identify new issues that have arisen since the last site survey.


  • 注册时间2018-11-19 18:14
  • 最后访问2018-11-19 18:14
  • 上次活动时间2018-11-19 18:14
  • 所在时区使用系统默认


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