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蜘蛛网页游戏 brandonmarkie 个人资料

brandonmarkie(UID: 8524528)

  • 邮箱状态未验证
  • 视频认证未认证
  • 性别保密
  • 生日-
  • 个人主页https://pickleballstar.net
  • 兴趣爱好I'm Brandon Markie, and my journey in pickleball has been thrilling and rewarding. With years of dedication and hard work, I've honed my skills to become a top-tier competitor in this dynamic sport. My precision, agility, and strategic prowess on the court have helped me secure several championship victories and earn the respect of fellow players and fans alike. Beyond the tournaments, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and love for pickleball with others through coaching and community events. My goal is to inspire and nurture the next generation of pickleball enthusiasts, ensuring that the sport continues to grow and thrive. So, whether you're an experienced player seeking a challenge or a newcomer looking to join the pickleball family, I'm here to help you enjoy the incredible world of pickleball to the fullest. Let's rally together and make every match a memorable one! #brandonmarkie, #brandonpickleball, #pickleballstar
    Address: 1819 Main St #106, Sarasota, FL 34236 Florida
    Phone: +19855456863


  • 注册时间2023-9-16 23:43
  • 最后访问2023-9-17 00:25
  • 上次活动时间2023-9-16 23:43
  • 所在时区使用系统默认


  • 已用空间 0 B
  • 积分4
  • 威望0
  • 金钱4
  • 贡献0

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